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Monday 9 June 2014

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Top 15 Home Remedies To Cure Mouth Ulcers

Cure Mouth Ulcers
Image: Shutterstock
Mouth ulcers can be extremely painful and can hinder your ability to eat as well as speak. A mouth ulcer is definitely not a laughing matter. So, if you are prone to them, you may have noticed that you usually get them when you are extremely stressed and this can exacerbate your misery. Sometimes, mouth ulcers can be an indication of nutrient deficiency and taking a course of multi-vitamins can help get rid of the ulcers and also keep them at bay.

Home Remedies for Mouth Ulcers:

Regardless of why you get mouth ulcers, there are home remedies that can ease the pain and discomfort and help in the healing process. Most home remedies for ulcers use ingredients commonly found in the kitchen. So, here are the top 15 home remedies that can provide fast relief if you are suffering from a painful mouth ulcer:

1. Raw Onion: 

Raw onion is replete with sulfur and this helps to treat mouth ulcers effectively. So make a salad and add lots of raw onions to it. Eat it and let the onions work their magic. Of course, be prepared to be called “onion breathe”, but trust me this home remedy works like magic and you will love it!

2. Orange Juice:

You can make fresh orange juice or buy fortified orange juice from your supermarket. The key is getting a lot of Vitamin C into your body. It has been seen that Vitamin C deficiency can result in mouth ulcers. Also, Vitamin C boosts your immune system and helps your body fight all kinds of infections, including mouth ulcers.

3. Basil Leaves:

Pluck a few fresh basil leaves from your vegetable patch. Wash them and begin chewing on the leaves with some water. The essential oils from the leaves will ease the discomfort and also help to heal the ulcer faster. Chew the leaves twice a day for fast relief.

4. Coconut Milk: 

Fresh coconut milk is a wonderful home remedy for mouth ulcers. It has a soothing effect and can help tremendously with the pain. Gargle three to four times a day with coconut milk and see how quickly your pain subsides and allows you to eat normally.

5. Water Gargle:

You can gargle several times a day with hot and cold water. The water will flush out your mouth and also have a soothing effect on the ulcer. You can add a little sea salt to the warm water, as salt has antiseptic properties and can help to heal the ulcer faster.

6. Pro-biotics:

We all know that pro-biotics remove harmful bacteria from our body. The same holds true for the bacteria in the mouth. You can hasten the healing process and get respite from the pain and discomfort if you eat a lot of natural yoghurt, kefir and buttermilk.

7. Sodium Bicarbonate: 

 Usually, sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, is used at home to clean dishes, floors and furniture and to deodorize drains. However, it makes an excellent mouth rinse and toothpaste as well! So, if you are enduring the pain and discomfort from mouth ulcers, make a solution of sodium bicarbonate and water. Use this solution as a mouth rinse to ease the pain and speed up the healing process.

8. Poppy Seeds:

This is an ayurvedic method of treating mouth ulcers. Make a paste of poppy seeds. To improve the flavour and taste, add some desiccated coconut or rock sugar while making the paste. Add little water to make the paste into a thick solution and then cook it. Consume this paste to heal the ulcer. According to Ayurveda, mouth ulcers occur due to too much heat in the body and poppy seeds have a cooling effect.

9. Peppermint Oil:

Apply peppermint oil generously on the ulcer to get relief from the pain and irritation. You can pick up peppermint oil from any health store.

10. Honey and Coconut Milk: 

Make a mixture of honey and coconut milk and massage your gums with it. The antiseptic and soothing properties of the ingredients will help heal the ulcer on your gums and provide relief from the pain.

11. Mulberry Juice:

Try and find refreshing mulberries and make a juice. Consume the juice, as it can help to heal the ulcers and reduce the discomfort.

12. Coriander Seeds:

Coriander, an herb similar to parsley, has many curative properties. However, to treat mouth ulcers, you need the seeds, which you can pick up from an Asian grocery store. Add one teaspoon of the seeds into one cup of water. Heat the water until it is warm and then strain. Use the warm coriander water to gargle your mouth three to four times a day.

13. Honey and Indian Gooseberry Root Bark:

Both honey and Indian gooseberry have been used in alternative medicine to treat a variety of health issues. Together, they can form a potent cure for mouth ulcers. You can get the root bark of Indian gooseberry from a health food store. Make a powder of the bark and mix one teaspoon of it with some honey to make a paste. Apply this on the affected area of your mouth.

14. Nettle Tea: 

If the pain and discomfort is unbearable, make some nettle tea and consume it. This tea will soothe the affected area and also provide short-term relief from the pain.

15. Toothpaste and Baking Soda:

Mix equal parts of any ordinary toothpaste and baking soda. Apply this paste on your ulcer using a Q-tip. Do this every day until whiteness of the ulcer disappears. Remember, this mouth ulcers home remedy will sting, so apply some aloe vera gel afterwards.
Usually mouth ulcers take seven to 10 days to heal. By using these home remedies, you can hasten the healing process and also get relief from the pain. It is best to use a combination of home remedies, as this will ensure the best results. Also, while you have mouth ulcers, refrain from eating spicy foods and foods with sharp edges, such as potato chips, toast, candies and lozenges.
Build up your immune system by consuming lots of fresh fruits and veggies and this will help your body fight the infection. If the ulcer is painless, you should consult a doctor, as it could be a sign of oral cancer.


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