07/08/2014 – www.webmd.com
FAQ: The Deadly Ebola Virus
Perhaps no virus strikes as much fear in people as Ebola, the cause of a deadly outbreak in West Africa.
The World Health Organization reports more than 1,300 cases of Ebola in the countries of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone as of July 31. More than 720 people have died.
Two Americans are among those infected. Kent Brantly, MD, working in Liberia with the relief organization Samaritan’s Purse, arrived in the United States on Aug. 2. Nancy Writebol, a missionary for the Christian mission organization SIM who was in Liberia on a joint team with Brantly, arrived in Atlanta on Aug. 5. Both are being treated in a special isolation unit at Atlanta’s Emory University Hospital.
Read More At: www.webmd.com
06/08/2014 – NaturalNews.Com
Sun exposure cuts the risk of certain cancers in half
It’s an absolute miracle, an alliance of divine life, how the Earth is positioned, so delicately in relation to the sun. Two stellar bodies communicating with such intricacy and harmony in space and time, one sphere rotating in seasonal rhythm, the other projecting flares of brilliant heat and light.
Every living thing — from dragonflies to orangutans, from dandelions to oak trees, from mushrooms to humans — peers beyond their plot on the sphere of Earth, looking up through the atmosphere to absorb the ever-powerful rays of the flaming sun.
In the industrialized world, many men and women have fled to the shade, working under roofs day in and day out. Naturally, the skin craves the sun’s light; it yearns for its immune-system-stimulating vitamin D, but humans today often go for long periods without absorbing these powerful rays.
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04/08/2014 - www.sciencedaily.com
Green tea could reduce pancreatic cancer risk
Green tea and its extracts have been widely touted as potential treatments for cancer, as well as several other diseases. But scientists have struggled to explain how the green tea and its extracts may work to reduce the risk of cancer or to slow the growth of cancer cells.
A study recently published online by the journal, Metabolomics, offers an explanation that researchers say could open a new area of cancer-fighting research. The study reports that EGCG, the active biologic constituent in green tea, changed the metabolism of pancreatic cancer cells by suppressing the expression of an enzyme associated with cancer, LDHA.
The researchers also found an enzyme inhibitor, oxamate, which is known to reduce LDHA activity, operated in the same manner: It also disrupted the pancreatic cancer cells metabolic system.
Read More At: www.sciencedaily.com
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