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Wednesday 7 August 2013


Home Remedies For Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are quite common in both men and women in their life span.Those are visible lines on the skin.In women stretch marks are very common during pregnancy time.Sudden growth of body,puberty period stretch marks will appear.They are some exercises and home remedies for stretch marks.

Appears on:
  • Arms
  • legs
  • abdomen
  • waist
  • breast
  • lower back
  • Over stretching of skin contributes stretch marks.
  • Sudden weight change
  • Rapid body growth during puberty
  • pregnancy
Home remedies for stretch marks:

          Drink 5 to 6 liters of water daily will helps you in keeping your skin softly and elasticity.It produces collagen at normal levels.Think it as a internal moisture to cure stretch marks,have 1 glass of water before drinking tea/coffee etc.....

           Grapes works as a effective moisture for stretch marks.Squeeze pulp from the grapes and apply it where stretch marks are present and  keep it 20-30 min,then clean it with a lukewarm water.Not only helps in eliminating stretch marks and also prevent the re-occurrence.

          Boil carrots until they become soft enough to mash and make it into paste.Apply the paste on stretch marks and leave it as long as possible for a better result.

            Take 2 to 3 apricots and cut it and remove seeds crush them to make a paste.Apply the paste on stretch marks and leave it for 20-25 min,after that wash it with lukewarm  water.Repeat this regularly for one month for a better  result.

Aloe vera:
                  Aloe vera is a plant collagen which repairs the skin.Remove the outer skin of the 
aloe vera leaves and apply it on stretch marks leave it for 2 hours.After that wash it with normal water.

Tips :
  • Exercises are preferable to get rid of stretch marks.
  • Make sure your diet should be plenty of proteins and food rich in vitamins(C,E).
  • during pregnancy apply  petroleum gel on the abdomen(consult your doctor is it good for you or not).


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