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Saturday 10 August 2013

Home Remedies For Obesity

Obesity may be described as excessive storage of fat in the body.It generally results from excess of food consumption which are rich in saturated fat and unwanted stuff.Obesity is common in western countries and also in India who has high incomes.It is an serious health hazard as the extra fat puts a strain on the heart,organs such as(liver,kidneys etc.)It affects the heavy bearing joints like knees,hips,ankles etc..Over weight persons are affected by diabetes,blood pressure,heart diseases,gall bladder,gout knee pains etc..

In these they are two types of obesity one is over weight and other obese.

Over weight:A person can be considered as over weight if the body weight of that person  is more than 10 to 17 percent of the normal body weight.

Obese:A person can be considered as Obese if the body weight  of that person is more than 20 percent of the normal body weight.


  • Over eating
  • having high calorie foods
  • physically inactive
  • family history
  • hormone problems
  • cushing syndrome
  • some medicines(which rate down the burn of calories in your body)
  • smoking(happens in some people)
  • lack of sleep
  • during pregnancy
Complications & Symptoms of Obesity:
  • Breathing disorder
  • certain types of cancer such as prostate,breast cancer etc......)
  • Cardiovascular diseases.( coronary heart diseases etc.)
  • diabetes
  • blood pressure
  • liver diseases
  • joint pains
  • high cholesterol levels

Home remedies for obesity:

 Lemon juice & honey:
                                  lime juice fasting is very beneficial in treatment of obesity.Add one tea spoon of fresh honey in half glass of lime juice(luke warm water is preferable) and take it in regular intervals.

Jujube (or) Indian plum:
                                   Jujube is another remedy for obesity.Handful of  jujube leaves should be soaked in water overnight and this water should be taken in the morning.preferably empty stomach.This treatment should be continued up to one for a noticeable result.

              Cabbage is best remedy for obesity.It contains tartaric acids which helps to stop the conversion of sugar and carbohydrates into fat.Substituting a meal with cabbage salad is the simplest way to stay slim.

            Tomatoes are valuable in obesity.One or two tomatoes taken in the early morning in breakfast for a couple of months.This is a safe method to reduce weight.They also supply vitamins and minerals to keep your health in good condition.

Hot water:
               Prefer hot water instead of  cold water.Hot water removes all the fat present in the  vessels which tends to loose weight.After having your meal keep 30 min gap between meal and water.Don't drink water immediately after your meal.

Natural tips to fight obesity:
  • Green tea to your daily routine
  • Vinegar water to fight obesity
  • Challenge yourself to loose weight
  • Change your eating habits
  • physical activity such as aerobics,exercises,brisk walk etc..(If you got pain in knees when running,jogging consult your physician).
  • Drink more water (bearable hot water)
  • oats helps to loose weight
  • Avoid sugar(artificial sweetener is suggested)
  • Don't eat outside
  • Sunlight is more important for over obesity. 


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