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Monday 12 August 2013

Foods That Prevent Gout

Gout is a form of inflammation of the joints and swelling.It occurs in acute attacks.It occurs mostly in women after menopause and sometimes affected by disease.It occurs mostly to the middle-aged men.

Causes & Symptoms:
  • Attack of gout usually start pain in big toe,which becomes tender and swollen in few hours.
  • It may also affects knee and joints.
  • This will occur mostly in mid nights or early in the morning.
  • when gout is attacked patient may run a slight fever.
  • unwilling to eat.
  • Complication will occur when the person has kidney stones
  • In some kidneys may damage and doesn't work properly.
  • Main cause of gout is formation of uric acid in the joints,kidneys & skin.
  • Those who are affected by gout has more uric acid in the blood than normal.
  • Due to formation of more uric acid it remains in blood.
  • when the blood become full then uric acid form needle shaped crystals in the joints which brings the attacks of gout.
Foods that get rid of gout:

                Cherry is considered as a effective one  for gout problem.consuming 20 to 25 cherries in a day.After some days about ten cherries can keep the ailment under control.

Vegetable juice:
                        Vegetable juices are very helpful to get rid of gout.Taking 500 ml of carrot juice or mix carrot juice with beetroot and cucumber,it will helps in the treatment of gout.Take each 1oo ml of beetroot juice and cucumber juice mix it in 300 ml of carrot juice.For a better result continue it for several months.

French beans:
                    French beans are very helpful in the treatment of gout problems.By having 150 ml of french beans juice can prevent the gout problem.It should take daily in the morning on a empty stomach.

          Apple is considered as effective medicine for gout.It contain malic acid which nutralize the uric acid.It should be advised have an apple every day.If you are suffering with gout problem you should take apple after each meal.

            Take one or two bananas in a day for who have skin rashes,digestive disorders and also works for gout problems.who are suffering with gout problems they should take 7 to 9 bananas in a day this should be continued 3 or 4 days in a week.

        Lime is an effective remedy for any kind of disorders and gout problems.It contains vitamin C which helps to prevent sore joints by strengthening the connective tissues.squeeze half lime in a glass of luke warm water and add 1 tea spoon of honey.Take this in the morning for several month to get a better result.Those who are attacked by gout should take lime juice twice in a day.


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