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Wednesday 28 August 2013

Home remedies for Coronary Heart Disease

coronary heart(artery) disease otherwise known as Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) or  cardivascular diseases.Condition that affects supply of  blood to the heart.
  • The blood vessels are narrowed or blocked due to the deposition of  cholesterol plaques on their walls.
  • This reduces the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart musculature,which is essential for the heart functioning.
  • This may eventually result in a portion of the heart,stop blood supply leads to heart tissue die.
  • Coronary Heart Disease is the most common cause of death in  several countries.

  • The major risk factors are smoking ,diabetes  mellitusand cholesterol levels.
  • Hypertension is also one of the major risk causing CHD.
  • Genetic and hereditary also responsible for the disease.
  • Males are more prone  IHD.
Risk for this condition includes:
  • Personal or family history  of heart attack,angina unstable angina,atherosclerosis or othe coronary artery diseases.
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • High fat diet
  • Obesity
  • Cholesterol(high)
Signs and symptoms:
  • The first sign of ischemic heart disease is severe chest pain of myocardial infraction.
  • Warning symptoms may occur in large number of patients in the form of angina pectoris.
  • The main symptom of the angina is pain on the central chest and some times radiate down the left arm or to the jaw or to the back.
  • Cough
  • Fatigue,weakness,faintness
  • Decreased alertness and concentration
  • Decreased urine output
  • More urine at night times
  • Overall swelling
  • Breathing difficulty when lying down
  • May feel tight pressure,squeezing,crushing

  • Physical examination -leg swelling,enlarged liver,crackles in lungs,extra heart sounds,or an elevated pressure in the neck vein.
  • Gated SPECT
  • MRI of chest
  • ECG
  • BIOPSY of heart is needed in rear cases to rule out the other disorders.
  • Drug therapy with nitrates which dilates the diseased coronary arteries.
  • Drugs belong to the isosorbide mono nitrate belong to the category of nitrates.(also use for relief from pain)
  • Coronary artery bypass  grafting (CABG) replacing the block area by using graft from the patient.
  • A heart transplantation may recommended all the standard treatments are failed.
  • With proper treatment most people are lead normal and healthy lives.
  • Good control of diabetes and hypertension significantly improves  the outlook.
Home remedies for Coronary heart diseases:

        It prevents the developing conditions of coronary heart diseases and also helps to less the serious of heart diseases.Add garlic to your dishes  and daily take it as supplement,it clean up the arteries and reduce the plaque buildup,chest pain.Daily supplement of garlic is good for people suffering with heart diseases.

Grape fruit:
               Grape fruit will helps to control the symptoms of cardiovascular diseases and also prevent the development of heart diseases.

           Chicken contains vitamin B6 which keeps the heart in good condition.Consuming 3-ounces of chicken in a day will satisfy your daily requirement for the vitamin.

          If you face high risk of coronary heart diseases,it is good choice of having salmon fish in your diet.It contain omega-3 fatty acids which can reduce the triglycerides that causes blockage in your arteries. 

Glass of wine:
                  Many studies and researches suggested that having a glass of wine a day keeps your heart healthy and reduce the symptoms of coronary heart diseases.You should follow this remedy in moderation-one glass of wine for women and two glasses for men,12 ounces of beer,1 1/2 ounce of whisky.

              Potassium controls the blood pressure and keeps your heart healthy.Consuming potassium rich foods for sufficient amount  of minerals to your body,it can also controls the coronary heart diseases.Foods that are rich in potassium are white potatoes,avocado,soybeans,strawberries,oranges,peanuts,apricots,pistachios etc.. 

                    Do 150 minutes of activity every week.To follow this you should contribute 30 minutes on 5 days a week.where ever you should be fit them.such as cycling, brisk walk,aerobics is preferable when you have the time to do…. 

Yoga for heart diseases:

Loosening exercises  :                                         Breathing practices: 
> Loosening of fingers                                 > Hand stretch breathing 
> Shoulder rotating                                     > Ankle stretch breathing
> Drill walking                                             > Rabbit breathing
> Instant relaxation technique                       > Straight leg raise breathing (alternate) & Side bending     
  • Smoking,fatty diet should be avoided
  • Avoiding foods rich in saturated fats is vital to lipid levels in blood
  • Regular exercise is also important
  • Yoga practices relief from pain,stress,medication


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