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Thursday 15 August 2013

Exercises For Tightening Underarm Skin

Sagging skin can be more frustrating especially on arms.At this situation some people like to do surgery and some people can follow exercises to tone up the muscle.I have some exercises to tighten your underarm skin.Do 15 to 18 repetitions of each exercise and repeat it 3 to 4 sets.

Bent over dumbbell reverse fly:
  • By grasping a set of dumbbells with a normal grip.
  • Bend your knees slightly and keep your eyes and face forward.
  • Elbow should be slightly bend and dumbbells should be under your chest but not touching.
  • Move your shoulders and raise your arms in a semi-circular motion.
  • squeeze the shoulders at certain height  and slowly down your arms.
  • Don't handle heavy weights at starting.
  • Don't stop the dumbbells at the bottom.
  • This exercise will tone your arms,shoulders and back.

Triceps extension: 
  • This exercise can be done with dumbbells to tighten the underarm skin.
  • And also helps you to develop upper arm skin.
  • Take dumbbell with right hand and bring it up to back of the head and elbow should be angle of 90-degrees.
  • Then slowly lower down your forearm behind your upper arm.
  • Repeat this 15 to 20 reps make 3 to 4 sets for a better result.Slowly increase the reps if you are new to this workout.

Medicine ball push-up: 
                                  Begin by getting down your hands and knees.your hands should be slightly outside of your shoulders.knees should be aligned with your hip.Abdomen should be tighten and your spinal chord in a normal position.Bend your elbows and lower your chest.Arms should be straight and make sure your elbows are not locked.


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